Kurt von Laven

Results 224 comments of Kurt von Laven

> However, `lint-staged` is passing complete pathnames, so this would require an additional step to strip the paths down to a relative path. @NathanielHill, it doesn’t solve the overall problem,...

That link 404'd for me, but I do see `--external-sources` like you say in the source. https://github.com/github/super-linter/blob/4faa6433abb21e99db0ea79f2ce3c3442b806a1d/lib/linter.sh#L795 Here is the snippet, which is actually automatically generated by [husky](https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/). There is...

Yes, sorry I forgot to mention that I already tried that. It had no effect on the bug, and I believe in retrospect the reason that it didn't work is...

Good find; thank you! I don't really think of it as one project or another's fault in a case like this, but rather in terms of the most pragmatic place...

Thanks for the tip. Definitely not worth the added complexity for us right now since `SCRIPTDIR` is sufficient for our needs, but hopefully some day :). The plot thickens though......

@ferrarimarco, I suspect a notification may have been buried since I replied within 10 minutes of your message.

I am certainly willing to believe that my theory as to why this is happening is completely wrong. However, I can confirm that .shellcheckrc is picked up when I run...

Happy to contribute a .shellcheckrc template consisting of `source-path=SCRIPTDIR` to see if that resolves this issue if that would be accepted.

@admiralAwkbar, would you desire my attempted fix that appeared to work for me locally at least?

@admiralAwkbar would it be possible to reopen this issue? It appears that ShellCheck is also ignoring the template .shellcheckrc. I am not certain, but I wonder if this may be...