Perhaps, but my answer was that `Instant` mapped well to `timestamp with time zone` for us. Sure theres an additional +00:00 offset, but thats (seemly) harmless and still represents an...
> @Kurru Have you considered forking the Range and the PostgreSQLRangeType classes yourself and changed ZonedDateTime to Instant instead? We dont use ranges, just java `Instant` and `timestamp with time...
New discoveries, timestamps exist, but don't document they are second granularity and are simple Long's. Returning java.time.Instant would be preferred.
Consider adding types for status's. For example, Invoice.status is a string, but really an enum. Consider providing a typed interface for this field.
1 or 2 https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.Java/blob/master/approvaltests/docs/Reporters.md#class-and-method-level I found the documentation about the PackageSettings a little lacking. Specifically I had a hard time figuring out the best configuration for use with IntelliJ running...
3. https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.Java/blob/master/approvaltests/docs/README.md "Main concepts for ApprovalTests" This section doesnt provide links to "writers" or "namers" which are otherwise mysterious for the user. Ideally there would be a link to explain...
@ScottBob while that does help explain the order of reporters (and that you could have class or method level reporters) my comment was more about how I learned about how...