The infinite charge seems to be being applied by some weird interaction with Robot code.
Issue appears isolated with `/obj/item/weapon/gun/energy` specifically.
Going to be honest that I didn't read most of the issues leveled on the Captain role here, but I do agree that access handling needs some form of rework.
> I just now realized I'm on the wrong github. Not sure how I got here or if this affects Eris directly or not. You guys are upstream from the...
Should now be resolved after loot table tweaking in #5542.
You're going to make this issue report with your downstream.
Need more information on this issue, are they attempting to respawn again as a pAI? @infraredbaron
What's interesting is not a single server I've seen has armor vs. armour unified. British spelling should be used in all cases as standard, but even /tg/ seems to make...
It appears that you've mixed `/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/shokoloud` and `/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/candy/mre` together by accident when making the description.
> Fair. But consider, what if chocolate bars actually fulfilled desire for chocolate? Yes, those are pretty fake, but those come to mind, not some bay leftover hidden in the...