react-native-side-menu copied to clipboard
Can't run the sample code - Element type is invalid: expected a string or a class/function but got: object.
Not sure how to proceed, and i know it's simple to solve it. The sample code in the readme is using to 'Menu', I copied the file to my folder but I am getting an error specified in the title.
import Tabs from 'react-native-tabs';
// require('./Menu')
import Menu from './Menu';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
class ContentView extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.welcome}>
Welcome to React Native!
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
To get started, edit index.ios.js
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
Press Cmd+R to reload,{'\n'}
Cmd+Control+Z for dev menu
class Application extends React.Component {
onMenuItemSelected = item =>
isOpen: false,
selectedItem: item,
render() {
var menu = <Menu onItemSelected={this.onMenuItemSelected} />;
// const menu = <Menu onItemSelected={this.onMenuItemSelected}/>;
return (
<SideMenu menu={menu}>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('SummerSityReact1', () => Application);
i have same problem
Try to change
“class Application extends React.Component”
“export default class Application extends React.Component”
I solved my problem. It was a mini odyssey, but I can broadly explain my problem and solution, which didn't have anything to do with how I was declaring the menu component (I was doing that correctly):
In my index.ios.js, my navigator initialRoute was pointing to my menu wrapper component. The menu wrapper component navigator's initialRoute in turn was pointing to my content component that I wanted to render. So I removed the separate menu wrapper and moved that functionality into index.ios.js. Then it just worked. I wish I had more detail about precisely what I did, but making my navigator routing more concise worked for me. Not sure why all of a sudden making that change would cause the menu element to be correctly interpreted though.
Same Issue...
Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object. Y ou likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in.
use "import SideMenu from 'react-native-side-menu'" , not "const SideMenu = require('react-native-side-menu')" work for me
I was using 'export class' (based off of some starter code I didn't write) on the component that held my menu contents and getting this error. Changed it to 'export default class' and it worked.
@Linshiqi's solution solved it for me. Thanks!
The sample code did not mention where the Menu
comes from.
What I changed:
const SideMenu ...
to import SideMenu ...
const menu = <Menu navigator={navigator};
return (
<SideMenu menu={menu}>
return (
<SideMenu menu={<navigator />} />
(assumed your navigator
is a component)
same errro
@Linshiqi 's fix solved this for me. Just wondering why this worked though....just so I can learn from it!
If using class components and this configuration of the side menu you need to import it with:
import SideMenu from 'react-native-side-menu'
Notice this is importing the whole thing, not a named export (no curly brackets).