DeblurGAN copied to clipboard
AssertionError: /.111 is not a valid directory
linux16.04, Python2.7, CUDA8.0
python --dataroot \111 --model test --dataset_mode single --learn_residual when i run this code the result is: ---------------------------option-------------------------------------------------------
aspect_ratio: 1.0
batchSize: 1
checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints
dataroot: /.111
dataset_mode: single
display_id: 1
display_port: 8097
display_single_pane_ncols: 0
display_winsize: 256
fineSize: 256
gan_type: wgan-gp
gpu_ids: [0]
how_many: 5000
input_nc: 3
isTrain: False
learn_residual: True
loadSizeX: 640
loadSizeY: 360
max_dataset_size: inf
model: test
nThreads: 2
n_layers_D: 3
name: experiment_name
ndf: 64
ngf: 64
no_dropout: False
no_flip: False
norm: instance
ntest: inf
output_nc: 3
phase: test
resize_or_crop: resize_and_crop
results_dir: ./results/
serial_batches: False
which_direction: AtoB
which_epoch: latest
which_model_netD: basic
which_model_netG: resnet_9blocks
-------------- End ----------------
dataset [SingleImageDataset] was created
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 19, in
and i put one blurry image in the directory 111
you can try python --dataroot ./111 --model test --dataset_mode single --learn_residual