
Results 19 comments of KuoEuran

because your model or your input shape is not suitable

> Hi, I first convert darknet weights to .pb with 416x416 input size, which is successful. However, when I tried to convert weights with (None, 224, 320, 3 ), which...

@michaelteo Hi, have you solved the issue? I am facing the issue when I use kpu.load_flash. My model size is aobut 5.6MB ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70742122/125158203-fa48ee80-e1a1-11eb-89cc-70970d0fe90d.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/70742122/125158214-0af96480-e1a2-11eb-8451-c1a1c374b32b.png) And it also shows flash memory...

@michaelteo Thank for your replying, unfortunately, it is still memory not enough error.

@rainnies Hi, thank you for your reply You mean you use v0.1 nncase convert your model to kmdel, and work fine on the board? What's your .bin file you use?...

@shahbaz-momi Can you use the kpu.load_flash function to load your model on k210? I meet the same problem.

@Balocre Have you solved the problem yet?

@Balocre Hi, so the answer is use the kendryte SDK, and your model can run on the k210 now? tks

@Balocre Thank you for your replying. Seems like the own customed model can use on C sdk, but the other firmware is not support like camera. I use Maxiduino too....