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[Media] Optimization adding videos (feature)
In Kunstmaan it’s possible to add YouTube and Vimeo video's when adding a 'video' file. To embed the video, a user needs to add the ID of the video in the code field. Only the ID is needed. When a user copies the URL of the page into the backend, it will not result in an error, but the video will not work. We see that a lot of users are using this option incorrectly.
Is it possible to add some context to this field? It would be amazing if there was a validation error when a user uses a wrong ID or URL. If that is not possible, maybe there can be a description what kind of code is required.
Please don’t force the users to do the work the computers are supposed to do. It’s trivial for an algorithm to extract the ID from a youtube or a vimeo link, so both the ID and full URL should be an acceptable value for that field. Change the way the CMS work to better fit what users are doing, not the other way around.
@dannyvw & @mlebkowski it's true. Should be more user friendly to add a remote video. I'll add this to the roadmap.