Hi Wonbong, In the paper, you mentioned "We minimize the photometric loss (5) jointly with respect to shape and texture codes and camera parameters (fixing the decoder parameters Θ)". And...
Scaling or Normalizing all the values to 0 and 1 can make your training faster (usually). But it is not necessarily required.
Is it possible to zoom in more, if I need to see a more detailed part. Thanks
> Hi, the scripts to generate pretrain_attention and volumetric_geodesic are already provided, check the folder "geometric_proc". > > The only thing left is how to convert fbx (or collada) into...
我也没有爬所有的,因为感觉会给网站有不必要的负担。 我只爬了我需要的一小部分似乎,但是现在已经删掉了,不好意思啊0.0 最近比较忙,等过了这一段准备用Scrapy重新实现一个比较友好的爬虫
@geeeeeeeeek 哈哈哈哈诈尸这个描述绝了
收到 不过linux发行版千千万,处理会比较慢哈
@Yeppa111 能不能提供个你这个发行版的下载地址。。。我试试复现去
@Yeppa111 嗯 主要是 Electron 自己每次更新就会 break 好多东西,然后各个发行版Linux又各自改过很多配置or接口之类的,所以一般来说只有Ubuntu Fedora之类的会比较稳 下班我回家看看