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Automatically delete chats
Thanks for this userscript, it works great on Google. However, it massively clutters up the ChatGPT interface with a ton of "New chat"s on the sidebar.
Due to that issue, I unfortunately can't keep using this userscript until the chats are automatically deleted. I hope you can implement that.
Hey thanks for using it @kristofferR, I will try to implement that which will require some work after other tasks on my list, in the meantime if you use the (slower for now) Proxy API Mode, your account is not used so chat history is not saved
Thanks. How do I enable that? I can't figure it out.
@kristofferR to the right of your browser's address bar, click the userscript manager's icon > Proxy API Mode until the status says 'ON'
Ah, thanks, works great now.
You read my mind, looking for the same thing as I don't want my history getting clogged up with "New Chat". I'm a bit busy atm, but I may give implementing this feature a shot. Will update / create a PR if I get to it. Thanks!
@kristofferRà droite de la barre d'adresse de votre navigateur, cliquez sur l'icône du gestionnaire de script utilisateur > Mode API proxy jusqu'à ce que l'état indique « ON ».
Bonjour, quand je le mets sur ON, je n'ai aucune réponse de chatGPT, et sur OFF cela remplit de "Nouveau chat" aussi
@papapat the proxy API tempoarily stopped working but I will find replacements soon
@papapat le mode proxy fonctionne à nouveau
@NAKADZI the Proxy Mode is functioning again