Godot-GDShell icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Godot-GDShell copied to clipboard

Change promt to be more useful

Open tryoxiss opened this issue 10 months ago • 5 comments

I finally got it set up in a project and I was wondering what that was for. I know thats default in bash, user@computer, but here it dosen't seem to serve a pourpose other than to mimic BASH. I would say the seccond variable can be used for the current scene but I don't know what the first one could really be fore. (e.g., main_menu$ [enter command]).

Personally I don't really see a point in having constants in the promt more than necesary, especially not when thier only pourpose is to mimic bash. It can -- and does -- have a familliar feel without that.

tryoxiss avatar Nov 02 '23 03:11 tryoxiss