Kuba Mikołajczyk
Kuba Mikołajczyk
FInal overview for CRT Creator | Creating CRT, Editing CRT page, Dashboard 🎥 Loom: https://www.loom.com/share/78c2304cfaad4b6895ba28f0829d2a5c 📄 Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/OuywwClsegx2eotkii4ea4/CRT-Creator?node-id=278%3A69650
@bedeho Thank you I'm glad you liked it :) - As per allowlist and whitelist - I tried to propose this change after discussion with Adam about the meaning behind...
The video update overview of the final hi-fi work for revenue shares is here 👇 The video has 3 parts: 1. Overview of page, user stories and RWD 2. Outcomes...
✅ Revenue share can now be displayed during active Market or sale The work is tackled in this issue: https://github.com/joystream/atlas/issues/3633
🟢 Update after feedback for CRT Creator & Viewer | Removing sections, Sale & Market, Revenue share 🎥 Loom video: https://www.loom.com/share/3a441d4c7bba4f0b99d8531da984ac8b 📄 Channel page changelog: https://www.figma.com/file/POw4j95jszfIP5bGfas2IC/Channel-page?node-id=1624%3A85414&t=9LSU5rQo1PxdSNma-4 📄 My token changelog:...
Video update of the hi-fi work for Whitelists is here ready to be watched ✅ (Video is in a new format - half of it are flows and half are...
Changes done ✅ All of the implemented changes from the feedback can be found in the changelog here: https://www.figma.com/file/OuywwClsegx2eotkii4ea4/CRT-Creator?node-id=670%3A98986&t=WJYR2321kbFukXql-4 There are two points though @dmtrjsg which we need to discuss:...
I experimented with it and it looks like a quick fix would be to change caret-color to color/text/default/strong token and it would be my recommendation. I changed it in the...
This issue is addressed here in My channel cover RWD. After long exploration of possible options we decided on scaling the image while still retaining its original 4:1 ratio. This...