Stefano Cappa

Results 91 comments of Stefano Cappa

@asfktz I confirm this issue, but only from version 0.3.0. With 0.2.1 was working very good for me. If you want an example that you can run, check [this template](

@asfktz macOS 10.12.6 node 8.5.0 npm 5.3.0

Ok, understood. Thank u very much for your time. I'll try with expose-loader. I'll watch this issue :)

@asfktz I tried to modify your example ( with expose-loader instead of ProvidePlugin but I'm still receiving the same error. Please, could you create a branch with a working configuration?

I also had problems with metismenu on angular2. I decided to implement a feature that I like by myself in a pure angular way. An angular wrapper for metismenu will...

Yes, at the moment I used that solution, but a boolean (like in many other webpack plugins) could be useful. It's only a suggestion :)

Damn I need also to pass the conformance test, but it isn't working. Do you have suggestions or a fix?

Unfortunately I'm not an expert c programmer able to work on the source code of this lib, but I'm happy to test, if someone want to work on this issue.

The same problem also with 5.0.0-rc.1