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Controller # keeps changing
It will change from 1 to 2..not mid-game, but when I play once every week or so, I have to change the number so my controller works. I'm using DS4Windows for my Dualshock 4... It's plugged in via usb and I don't change ports and have no other controllers plugged in
Pokopom doesn't change controller numbers, the system assigns them. There's likely some miss behavior that causes the controller to "reconnect" before disconnecting the previous instance. That used to happen with my old x360 controller due to a bad wire.
Pokopom doesn't change controller numbers, the system assigns them. There's likely some miss behavior that causes the controller to "reconnect" before disconnecting the previous instance. That used to happen with my old x360 controller due to a bad wire.
This happens to me with multiple controllers, and multiple wires. There should be a way for this plugin to detect the output slot or select whichever one is active, because this isn't an issue with any other emulator or Steam