
Results 37 comments of Kroppeb

No, not the issue. As mentioned in my report in the pipenv.lock file the following appears: `"git": "git+ssh://git"` instead of the expected `"git" = "git+ssh://[email protected]/cglwn/leftpad-pypi.git"` in case of leftpad. As...

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a ssh only issue. I'll update the issue

This issue has a "Contributor Candidate" label. But what is the decision? Should it be `--all`? @matteius

> It looks like one more annotation is needed: `@Invariant` to declare use-sites that are intentionally invariant. What advantages does this produce over not annotating at all? I could see...

> Are there also a series of types for which we wouldn't add variance? For example: `Function` should be `Function` not `Function