Kristoffer Strube
Kristoffer Strube
I found that there was already created some issues to address this problem: It was first planned for .NET 7, but has now been put back to the...
I found a better workaround that uses a wrapper for the blob which we _**can**_ return when we invoke the function, update once the blob callback is invoked in JS...
This was fixed as a part of #28 and has been published in version 2.0.0 to NuGet. We now have a sample project that shows how to use the package...
The first steps towards getting an overview have been created by being able to take a diff between the current WebIDL spec and the spec that we have implemented. This...
We should also add documentation in the form of XML summaries for all public properties and methods in the library.
Another reason to make that table that maps types/attributes from WebIDL to C# can be seen in release 1.2.0 where we found several naming errors.
@egil totally agree. My mistake. 😅
Hey @stefanloerwald sorry for the long wait. I didn't really like the solution I came up with since it was somewhat cumbersome to make the callback. Since this, I have...
I recently made some posts on my social media about the future plans for this project. I'm re-stating parts of that here now: It (Drag and Drop support to this...
Hey @pcarret. Long time since we talked last. I just wanted to share that I have added a Blazor Server example to prepare to release this to NuGet. Hope you...