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Compiz 0.8-work which may or may not be awesome
I want a simple man-page that covers all plugins with at least one or two lines, and covers some of the basics of plugin use. This file is referenced in...
The xslt-rules should also support silent building for a cleaner build process. See
Pain to track down why some feature you want is not built... fails miserably when intltool is missing. Need a prettier fail if you ask me... Ugly. fails nastily when gconf2-dev is missing. Ugly.
There are a whole buck-load more compiler warnings we could emit. I am adding this as a TODO-item because I want to fix the warnings we have before I add...
When merging snap, I discovered that the WRAP() for resize-handling was commented out (this lead to warnings about defined but unused static functions). I ended up just commenting out the...
When I run compiz 0.8.9 without antialiasing, everything runs smoothly. When I turn on Nvidia anti aliasing, I've noticed that the vu meter Jkmeter makes my windows lag when I...
If I use any of the two application switchers (Application Switcher and Static A. S. in ccsm), _and_ I have a windows that plays video, compiz hangs at 100% cpu...
I want to make a script that users can run which will gather all essential information for debugging purposes. This would include compiz-version, install-path(s), os-version, compiz cmd arguments and preferably...