Krister Viirsaar
Krister Viirsaar
Apparently my Arch Linux is not compatible with this setup? Couldn't find any reference of darwin anywhere.. ``` npm ERR! Linux 4.7.6-1-ARCH npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "i" npm ERR!...
Longer tweets have a `full_text` field, but it's always `nil`. Even when under `raw_data.extended_tweet.full_text` has content (which is longer than `text`). Furthermore, `extended_tweet` was added in this issue: But...
would fix #2
it's annoying that copying by keyboard always pops the console up. Why was this decision made? ctrl+shift+c would be much better.
thanks for the library. i had my homegrown thing which wasn't half as powerful. there's a bug when using alt names: ``` iex> Mix.install([:decimal, {:shorter_maps, "~> 2.0"}]) iex> import ShorterMaps...