Kristaps Drivnieks
Kristaps Drivnieks
@Thunder33345 working on commenting stuff and creating API docs along with wiki.
@Sandertv sure, and add the link with gitter badge to readme.
Plugin will be v1.0.0 when this list is complete.
Excuse me?
What's that? @akaSnapy Oh, if you're speaking about relationships then it's already implemented. ``/f relation``
Sounds good, but I don't think I will be implementing this into core. I could make it into separate plugin. But I still don't get the mechanics could you elaborate...
If you could describe in details how all of these work together with each other, then I could think about this option.
If you mean that war is alias for enemy, then yes. Otherwise no. And /f ally is implemented. All relations are implemented by the way. So you can do -...
Explain what /f war does.
Nah, it's not implemented and I don't know If I should implement this into this plugin or maybe make another as an extension.