KILabel copied to clipboard
A simple to use drop in replacement for UILabel for iOS 7 and above that highlights links such as URLs, twitter style usernames and hashtags and makes them touchable.
For the username `@demo.user` KILabel will only detect `@demo`.
I am using KILablel in a UITableViewCell. I have set the height of the label to adjust as per the content using autolayout. Everything works fine in normal cases. However...
let label1 = KILabel(frame:CGRect(x: 100, y: 400, width: 200, height: 50)) label1.text = "สวัสดี มีอะไรให้ช่วยไหมครับ" label1.backgroundColor = .red view.addSubview(label1) label1.sizeToFit() let label2 = KILabel(frame:CGRect(x: 100, y: 450, width: 200, height:...
Phone number support is provided using the phone number data detector. Some refactoring of existing code streamlined this enhancement. There is also the addition of a flag that prevents matches...
Hi I have table cell with KILabel inside it. I try to set attributedText for this label by adding text alignment for some lines. But it is not works. When...
Hello, I am trying to set only has tag detection with `lblHashTag.linkDetectionTypes = KILinkTypeHashtag` but its not working. I have to `lblHashTag.linkDetectionTypes = KILinkTypeHashtag | KILinkTypeURL;` Any suggestion ?
Thank you for your great library I use it a lot I have an app that should recognize as a link but NSTextCheckingTypeLink does not support that link without...
code is 1:1 and also tried with` @"(@+[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)?" `instead. Username handles are just not recognized, but hashtags work just fine.
I cannot seem to get the tap handlers to work. Ive tried hashtag and url link handlers. I see the link highlight when touching, but code within handler not getting...
Hello everyone I am using on iphone its working fine,But when i run same code on ipad link is not visible but it is tappable.