Pretrained-Show-and-Tell-model copied to clipboard
Hi, thank you providing the pre trained model. However, while running the last instruction, i.e Run inference to generate captions.
I am getting the following error:
DataLossError (see above for traceback): Unable to open table file /Users/rishimadhok/Desktop/Quote_my_picture/im2txt/im2txt/data/Pretrained-Show-and-Tell-model/ Data loss: not an sstable (bad magic number): perhaps your file is in a different file format and you need to use a different restore operator? [[Node: save/RestoreV2_382 = RestoreV2[dtypes=[DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](_arg_save/Const_0_0, save/RestoreV2_382/tensor_names, save/RestoreV2_382/shape_and_slices)]]
Please let me know what should I do to resolve this error? Thank you for your time!
Getting same error; @rishimadhok do you resolve this issue?
How do you set the ${CHECKPOINT_PATH}? I have the same error as you and it turns out that the variable should be set to something like: CHECKPOINT_PATH="${path_to_where_you_put_it}/new_model.ckpt-2000000"
P.S. Since I am using a relatively new tensorflow version, I have to convert the model as described here