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Support font-variant: small-caps approximation

Open blagasz opened this issue 10 years ago • 11 comments


It is written in the documentation that I should report as a bug if some CSS 2.1 feature is not working. I found that the font-variant: small-caps CSS is not working (it works in the browser, but not in the rendered PDF).

Hope this helps, regards, Sz'

blagasz avatar Sep 21 '13 16:09 blagasz

I could reproduce this. I just tested that we’re correctly setting VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS when calling Pango, but I don’t know what’s going on after that… @liZe ?

SimonSapin avatar Sep 21 '13 16:09 SimonSapin

Possibly this only works for fonts that have a small-caps variant, but I don’t know how to find one.

SimonSapin avatar Sep 21 '13 16:09 SimonSapin

I was thinking about that as well, but is it really necessary? I mean every font could be easily small-capitalized by capitalization and adjustment of font size. I am not sure though if that is how it works!

blagasz avatar Sep 21 '13 16:09 blagasz

Yes, that would be synthesizing the small-caps variant. I suspect that’s what browsers are doing when the font does not provide it directly. I suppose we could do it with a combination of text-transform and font-size.

SimonSapin avatar Sep 21 '13 16:09 SimonSapin

Yes, you're right, many softwares (including browsers) use caps with a smaller size instead of small caps when they are not available. That a crime against typography (real small caps characters keep the same weight as regular variants for a size, false small caps don't), but that's definitely not the worst.

Small caps are available in a separate font file (just as bold and italic, Fontin is a good example) or via an OpenType feature (like ligatures and kerning tables, Libertine is a good example). Unfortunately, both solutions seem to be broken in WeasyPrint, even if the code looks OK. We have to figure out what's going on.

liZe avatar Sep 21 '13 22:09 liZe

By the way, creating a "false" small-caps variant fallback can be difficult, because I'm not sure that there's a way to know in Pango if a real small-caps variant exists.

liZe avatar Sep 21 '13 22:09 liZe

After playing with Pango and fontconfig, I now know that fontconfig is able to generate false small-caps, italic and bold fonts. I don't know exactly how it works, but I suppose that it could be included in WP. I'm ready to help anybody interested in this feature :smile:.

liZe avatar Dec 07 '16 17:12 liZe

Hi liZe. I´m interesting in this feature

manuthema avatar May 21 '19 10:05 manuthema

Hi liZe. I´m interesting in this feature

Good to know!

After playing with Pango and fontconfig, I now know that fontconfig is able to generate false small-caps, italic and bold fonts. I don't know exactly how it works, but I suppose that it could be included in WP. I'm ready to help anybody interested in this feature .

Well… It's definitely true for "faux" bold and italic, and it's already included in WeasyPrint. But unfortunately, I can't find anything about small caps :cry:. I don't know if it was just a dream, if I've seen small caps where there was just bold and italic, or if I had found something else… If anyone knows anything about that, I'd be glad to learn!

liZe avatar May 29 '19 14:05 liZe

/*** fake small-caps to overcome bug ***/

.sc, .smallcaps, .small-caps {
  /* font-variant: small-caps; */
  text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 75%; 

/* force uppercase inside faked small-caps:
  <span class="sc"><span class="scu">C</span>aesar</span>
.scu {
  /* font-variant: small-caps; */
  text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 133%; 

/* .usc = uppercase to small-caps:
   <span class="usc">SMALL CAPS</span>
   <span class="usc"><span class="scu">C</span>AESAR</span>
.usc {
  /* text-transform: lowercase; font-variant: small-caps; */
  text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 75%;

Fake small caps may be a crime against typography, but what can you do when the style guide demands them?

bpj avatar May 08 '22 09:05 bpj

Thanks for that fake small-caps example.

I'd really like to see this implemented natively, if possible. The markup required for surrounding all the true uppercase letters in a string with spans seems incredibly daunting for a publishing process we are trying to automate.

Some other folks were looking at similar issues at some point: https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/issues/894

t4k avatar Sep 22 '22 23:09 t4k