DOOM-3-BFG-VR icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DOOM-3-BFG-VR copied to clipboard

Is his project dead?

Open Catcher40 opened this issue 4 years ago • 10 comments

The last release was 2017 v.21 so is this no longer being worked on at all, i know this is supposed to be for issues but don't know where else to ask?

Catcher40 avatar Apr 27 '20 12:04 Catcher40

No releases in 3 years, but KozGit & Carl have been working on fixing/adding many thing in those 3 years. And some weeks ago NPi2Loup released a version with all those changes and it's amazing, best than most VR Native games:

Duplicate of #291

cercata avatar Apr 27 '20 14:04 cercata

Thank you.

Catcher40 avatar Apr 27 '20 19:04 Catcher40

No releases in 3 years, but KozGit & Carl have been working on fixing/adding many thing in those 3 years. And some weeks ago NPi2Loup released a version with all those changes and it's amazing, best than most VR Native games:

Duplicate of #291

Tried that version. But they have some strange changes. For example, it seems enemies gib alot easier now. I can no longer set my height. So I'm hovering above ground. Also they scale mags so they are super small. Sure they were too big in the orignal mod. But now they are tiiiiiny

AndersMalmgren avatar Nov 21 '20 23:11 AndersMalmgren

I think there is no modification about gibs, but there is a headshot critical multiplier in VR (x2.5). read the readme of 0.21 in this repo homepage. For scalling, I didn't this to happend, look at this issue #328 , there is some explains. For mags, there are now at true size, I love it like this :) (it's Koz's work)

NPi2Loup avatar Nov 23 '20 23:11 NPi2Loup

I think there is no modification about gibs, but there is a headshot critical multiplier in VR (x2.5). read the readme of 0.21 in this repo homepage. For scalling, I didn't this to happend, look at this issue #328 , there is some explains. For mags, there are now at true size, I love it like this :) (it's Koz's work)

Can we disable gibbing? It's immersive breaking having the corpse dissolve like that.

For me the height option in the old version works better than your build, in the old version I set height to 65 (it's 68 default i think) at that height I'm just above ground with i put my controllers on the floor and consoles feel like they are on the right level and railing too, sure the world is a bit too big. But in your build I can't get it to work no matter what I do I am too far from floor.

Take the machine gun for example it's more or less modelled after the real world p90 those mags are alot bigger irl than in your build :)

AndersMalmgren avatar Nov 23 '20 23:11 AndersMalmgren

Btw I have a nvidia 3090 and performance is a bit strange, I get low frame time if I bring up the dev frame debugger in steamvr. Around 3 to 4 ms with 4x aa and 1.5 multisampling (valve index at 90hz) but even when frame time is below 11 ms(90hz) i get stutter. These stutter frame show up as red in the frame debugger, they are below 11 ms but red.

I need to run at 1.0x and 4x aa and soft shadows disabled to get smooth stutter free playback

AndersMalmgren avatar Nov 23 '20 23:11 AndersMalmgren

Pretty sure, gibbs aren't changed in VR version, but if you want there is a cvar to disabled it : g_bloodEffects lookt at :

For height option, I just try and :

  • check your room are correctly setup in SteamVR
  • In player height option, you may use "custom eye height" and then set your height. If set to scale to your height, it result in weird scaling, if your are seated. Koz add all this setup so DoomVr is playabled seated with keyboard and mouse
  • world scale work in my release, play with it as you want. I use 0.90

I've got a ValveIndex too, and a far less powerfull GPU, and I haven't performances pb (3D VR engine is ID software's one) about 6ms per frame, and yes some are red but about 1 every 30s, I don't even see them before looking at perf graph.

NPi2Loup avatar Nov 24 '20 23:11 NPi2Loup

Pretty sure, gibbs aren't changed in VR version, but if you want there is a cvar to disabled it : g_bloodEffects lookt at :

For height option, I just try and :

  • check your room are correctly setup in SteamVR
  • In player height option, you may use "custom eye height" and then set your height. If set to scale to your height, it result in weird scaling, if your are seated. Koz add all this setup so DoomVr is playabled seated with keyboard and mouse
  • world scale work in my release, play with it as you want. I use 0.90

I've got a ValveIndex too, and a far less powerfull GPU, and I haven't performances pb (3D VR engine is ID software's one) about 6ms per frame, and yes some are red but about 1 every 30s, I don't even see them before looking at perf graph.

You said headshot damage was changed, so it's probably that.

I have my room scale aligned correct, nothing happens if I change that value. Only value that change something is the scale value but that's not correct to change.

Are they using single pass or multi pass rendering for the game? Feels strange I should get stutter with such a powerful card more so since I'm below the 11ms threshhold

AndersMalmgren avatar Nov 24 '20 23:11 AndersMalmgren

For headshot damage, it's just the amout of damage done, don't know if it affect gibbs.

For custom eye height, it's anoying, but you must set it, then restart the game to see the changes. It didn't work like World Scalling.

NPi2Loup avatar Nov 25 '20 08:11 NPi2Loup

Just discovered this mod today. Had performance/stuttering issues but after switching to SteamVR they were gone and the game was mostly smooth. The only issues I had is once I couldn't load a manual save, the game crashed consistently. I loaded from an earlier autosave and continued this way.

The other issue is with the height. I wish there would've been an option to just use normal scaling and normal height w/o having to tweak my in-game height by saying "Reset view" every now and then, because I often find myself either too high or too low (hands go through the in-game floor when I put my controllers on my real floor). Not game breaking though.

Overall I'm very impressed by this mod, it's amazing! It actually plays better than official VR mode in Serious Sam 3 that I also played. The fact that the original game is so corridor-based and slow-paced makes it a perfect VR shooter :)

The only things left to do for a 100% complete DooM VR experience is adding physics to hands/weapons, manual reload, two-handed weapon holding, and ability to pick up stuff. Looking at how things are going I think it's fairly realistic thing to expect at this point, either as an official VR port or some other future mod. Having an open-source game engine really helps :)

phobos2077 avatar Jan 17 '21 00:01 phobos2077