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how to parse json array into multik directly without going through list of list?

Open yangcheng opened this issue 2 years ago • 10 comments

    fun parseJson() {
        val json = "[1,2,3]"
        val gson = Gson()
        val listType = object : TypeToken<List<Int>>() { }.type
        val list =  gson.fromJson<List<Int>>(json,listType) // works fine
        val d1Type = object : TypeToken<D1Array<Int>>() { }.type
        val d1array = gson.fromJson<D1Array<Int>>(json,d1Type) //error out

I would get an error saying it's an object not an array.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 path $
	... 54 more

yangcheng avatar Apr 08 '22 07:04 yangcheng

currently I have to parse to an list first, then convert to ndarray, it seems an unnecessary copy of data and I need to define 2 copies of model class for a normal use case Thanks

yangcheng avatar Apr 08 '22 07:04 yangcheng

use kotlinx.serialization Json.decodeFromString<D1Array<Int>>("[1,2,3]")

I got kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'D1' is not found. is there work planned to add a serializer for popular json parsing libraries?

yangcheng avatar Apr 08 '22 07:04 yangcheng

Now there is no direct parsing from json to ndarray.

Yes, we plan to add json support, but I can't say exactly when.

In this case, you can get a primitive array from json and create a ndarray based on it. Then there will be no unnecessary data copying.

devcrocod avatar Apr 08 '22 12:04 devcrocod

I report the issue using a simplified example, but I was actually dealing with 3D arrays in json, the shape is 72x3x33 . so I think there will still be data copy even if I use primitive array?

yangcheng avatar Apr 09 '22 02:04 yangcheng

Unfortunately, with dimensions greater than 1, data will be copied.

devcrocod avatar Apr 11 '22 12:04 devcrocod

thanks, is json parsing something in 0.0.2? I'd like to contribute if you can point where to start and implementation considerations

yangcheng avatar Apr 12 '22 03:04 yangcheng

In this release, I did not expect to include support for json. In the next release, I plan to support csv and npy, the cornerstone in general for reading data from files in this case is the type provider. Specifically, for reading for a quick implementation, you can take a third-party library, but this will be very non-optimal in terms of memory.

devcrocod avatar Apr 13 '22 15:04 devcrocod

At the moment I'm stuck in multik-native with building and linking static libraries. To implement json support, multik-api is required (the name may change in the future) and it is now ready. For implementation, you can take any multiplatform library, then you will need to write your own type provider. An approach to this can be found in dataframe.

devcrocod avatar Apr 13 '22 15:04 devcrocod

csv/npy would be great too, I get the data from my in house python program so I guess I can save the data as csv as well. with minor modifications. will npy support using ?

yangcheng avatar Apr 19 '22 09:04 yangcheng

csv in a simple form is already supported.

will npy support using ?

Yes, I discussed this with the maintainer of the library. To begin with, it will be necessary to make it multiplatform.

devcrocod avatar Apr 29 '22 14:04 devcrocod