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Kotlin Language Interactive Shell

Results 33 kotlin-interactive-shell issues
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Ok, so I'm this weird issue and not entirely sure what's going on, and hoping here can give me some insights. I was doing some work in Android Studio, and...

sir I am facing an error while sync. this code maven { URL "https://jcenter.bintray.com" } I am getting this error : Unexpected tokens (use ';' to separate expressions on the...

The REPL has a weird issue to show unsigned values, although this only happens when they are "by themselves:" ```kotlin [0] listOf(ULong.MAX_VALUE) // okay res0: List = [18446744073709551615] [1] ULong.MAX_VALUE...

many repls for other languages (such as `ipython`, for example) will accept configuration from a `readline` file (`.inputrc`) for things like `vi` keybindings and other config. please support this :)

Hi, thanks for the great tool! I am new to Kotlin and just started to use ki. I spotted that there is a small mismatch: line counting starts from 0,...

Does `ki` have something similar? i.e. to have some jars available in the classpath when the repl is loaded (i.e. without having to type `:load`).

Seems to work well with a call to `org.jetbrains.kotlinx.ki.shell.KotlinShell.main(args)`

I am considering kotlin and coroutines as an inseparable couple. Would be nice to have a super-easy way to test them. For the best experience, I am missing few features:...

Similar to Python's [`help()`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#help) function, which is very handy at the Python REPL.

I install / upgrade Kotlin on my laptop from the Kotlin Github releases. But then I do have to remember to find / install the matching ki-shell version. Could you...