> > > What about SKR RX level? if 5V maybe 3.3 is not good enough to drive it. > Also is GND common to both devices? 3.3v is usually...
> > > Can You also confirm that after flashing WirelessPrinting on V3, when You open built in Arduino IDE's Serial Emulator You can see M115 messages appearing? I can...
But notice something interesting, the garbage output is not similar between the Wemos pro mini and the Wemos D1 mini V3 The pro mini output looks like this : ph⸮ph⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮M115...
I reflashed Marlin 2.0 with 115200 yesterday and that didn't fix the issue. I also changed PrinterSerial.begin(serialBauds[serialBaudIndex]); to PrinterSerial.begin(115200); still no go... :(
I am pretty sure there is some kind of voodoo involved :)
> > > Just for fun, you have probably also tried Marlin 1.x? (I have never tested it with 2.0.) I didnt try 1.x, but your code is working fine...
This might have been the reason why grafana iframes are not scaled. I am trying to properly scale them in Habpanel with no luck. Any suggestions?