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Podspec points to old version

Open sstigler opened this issue 11 years ago • 5 comments

The podspec points to an old version, which is apparently incompatible with ARC.

sstigler avatar Mar 20 '13 15:03 sstigler

I don't use pods myself so I am not sure what to do about this. Can you make some suggestions?

KosmicTask avatar Mar 20 '13 15:03 KosmicTask

I could actually probably make the fix for you, but one issue I ran into today is that when I tried to pull the latest version using a podspec I created on my local machine, I got a compile error. Can you please provide me with the git commit hash that points to the latest working version?

sstigler avatar Mar 20 '13 20:03 sstigler

The HEAD on Master is what I use day to day on OS X under GC.

What target are you building for? What was the compile error?

KosmicTask avatar Mar 20 '13 20:03 KosmicTask

As far as I can tell (I'm not a cocoapods expert, but I am trying to use it in a new project), the most important thing you could do to help pod users is to start adding semantic version tags.

Here's the 'issue template' that cocoapods provides to ask for this from project maintainers:

Once tags have been added, other people can do the work of maintaining the Podspec for each version.

netnichols avatar Apr 07 '13 10:04 netnichols

By the way, the Podspec with version 0.0.1 points to Fragaria commit 3a188114d7f40490ac11afc522542f69eb03e986.

netnichols avatar Apr 07 '13 10:04 netnichols