react-native-translator copied to clipboard
React is not defined <TranslatorProvider>
- Getting this error
Versions ( "react-native-webview": "^13.8.7". react-native-translator:"^1.2.0", "react-native": "0.69.0")
@KoreanThinker @doublelam
i think the issue is that react-native-translator is not using the latest version of react-native-webview @KoreanThinker can you please look into this. Also using the "react-native-webview": "^11.26.1" which is being currently used by the translator shows Enter a URL
Could you make PR?
Could you make PR?
I have not fixed this. I am looking for a solution. It would be great if you could help to fix this
@KoreanThinker after running this repo i found out another thing i just used it like
const _result = await translate('en', 'fr', 'v'); console.log(_result);
so locally its working fine after few tweaks will create a PR soon for the fixes but as soon as i install the package its showing
@KoreanThinker any idea about this why is this happening after installing the package
Fixes for the issues @KoreanThinker -