@cleftheris , @Nekeniehl thanks for the extensive explanation, it provided more insight in the current structure and I hope that I understand. I think I can better explain my approach...
A somewhat related question: Can you tell me if an EdiCondition is suppose to work together with an EdiSegmentGroup? I should create EdiSegmentGroups of NAD segment, starting from an UNS...
@Nekeniehl thanks for the suggestion but it still not working. You mentioned that if I were to define the 2 NAD segments as separate classes Seg5 and Seg32 it should...
I think it might be an bug (or just mis-use of the current structure): I have spent some time stepping though the messages, looks like using an EdiCondition of the...
I created an unit test that I think indicates the problem in an simple example: https://github.com/KoosBusters/EDI.Net/commit/9d1433ba71ea0c304d389a25fe5ee30502150ac6 I somebody could give this unit test a shot and define a structure that...
@Nekeniehl thanks a lot for your efforts, information and solutions! Unfortunately the UNS was not missing by accident in my case, it is not specified in the specs of the...
Hi @cleftheris, thank you for the nice library! @Nekeniehl: Yes, it's the automation of the CONTRL and APERAK messages. These specify a lot of scenarios that need to be validated...
@cleftheris did you find any time to think about some implementation guidelines? I would like to start working on this issue, but I would like to know if validations should...
@Nekeniehl I did some more reading about the error message flow and I think the validation errors that we retrieve from the deserialization process of this library should be sufficient...
@cleftheris: I think that 'Validate all the text in the message is within the specified character set' is not typically done on the attributes themselves (and therefor not related to...