Konrad Iturbe
Konrad Iturbe
Seems to have been shipped in Hero10 v1.40 firmware. Path: */gopro/media/delete/file* Param key: *path* Param value: *XXXGOPRO/$file* `curl -x GET`
Pushed a PR: https://github.com/gopro/OpenGoPro/pull/165
To shine some light: I think this is done first by issuing the WiFi creds over to char `0x39` (settings). They basically do the inverse of https://gopro.github.io/OpenGoPro/ble#get-hardware-info for sending the...
@tcamise-gpsw any way this endpoint can be documented officially?
No worries. I've been using the endpoint for my own uses and its good.
You can. `/gopro/camera/digital_zoom?percent=50` (from: https://gopro.github.io/OpenGoPro/http_2_0)
Most likely not, why would GoPro allow for zooming in over BLE when the app uses WiFi for preview, and thus, zooming is done over WiFi as well.
It's supported unofficially by me. https://github.com/konradit/goprowifihack https://github.com/konradit/gopro-ble-py https://github.com/konradit/gopro-py-api
Already reverse engineered: https://github.com/dustin/gopro-plus
You need GoPro Labs. https://gopro.github.io/labs/control/precisiontime/ https://gopro.github.io/labs/control/gpssync/