Konrad Iturbe
Konrad Iturbe
Which camera? 720p is supported on Hero5 and newer.
I get 848x480 [SAR 1:1 DAR 53:30], 29.97 fps on my HERO7 Black with the same code.
I'm using FFplay, will try with OpenCV later
ffplay udp://
It works.
Hi, I cannot reproduce this issue, my camera never returns 1 to IsRecording, but I did encounter another bug, which I have described here: https://github.com/KonradIT/gopro-py-api/issues/10#issuecomment-740778804
Note you cannot use shutter controls over WiFi or USB on current firmwares. Refer to this repository for information on older firmware compatibility.
You'll still not be able to stop a recording, but you can start it over WiFi/USB on this FW. For full control: https://github.com/konradit/gopro-ble-py
Hi, can you rollback to this version? https://github.com/KonradIT/gopro-py-api/releases/tag/3.0.1 and try again