Taking these two posts as examples: https://hameru-is-cool.tumblr.com/post/639261855227002880 https://hameru-is-cool.tumblr.com/post/639185159893221377/jisatsu-draw-laughing-hanekawas If I simply download the images with "Right click > Save image as", they are saved with a much higher resolution and...
**TL;DR:** I need an exec.command to write the downloaded file path and metadata values to a text file (just the chosen ones, one per line and with an Exiftool command...
Although a extractor for user galleries is already present, it doesn't works if you try to download the results of a search did in a given gallery. Example: gallery-dl https://www.deviantart.com/otakurenders-service/gallery?q=isuzu...
Is there a way to set it? It would be done running the following command with the downloaded mp4: > magick convert INPUT.mp4 -loop 0 OUTPUT.gif I'm just looking for...
I need to replace `` in Pixiv's 'caption'. I tried ```{caption:R//}``` with no success. EDIT: Also, is there any way to replace a "True" value? On Reddit, I would like...
My knowledge in programming is almost 0, so there's a lot of great and simple things possible that I'm not aware, and the documentation doesn't seems to talk about them...
It's probably a noob question, sorry.
I noticed this issue in [this post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CejXi9LLCgx/). Using the script [Instagram Download Button](https://greasyfork.org/pt-BR/scripts/406535-instagram-download-button) I got a 1440x1800px image, while with gallery-dl the downloaded image only has 1080x1350px.
Here's the link: https://hsdxd.mg-renders.net/ https://hsdxdcards.mg-renders.net would also work, since it's an alternative version of the site. I think they're hosted by blogger, but this happens when I try to download:...
Manga Loader is the best desktop comic reader I've found so far, but I miss the ability to use it to read my downloaded manga.