> The GIFs from https://twitter.com/gifs still have a duration, so I don't know. For me it doesn't. And I noticed later that even the extension for videos/GIFs now is always...
> For me it doesn't. And I noticed later that even the extension for videos/GIFs now is always "None". UPDATE: It seems to be working again. Maybe the problem was...
> {is_original_content!s:RTrue/OC/RFalse//} This worked great, thanks! And I don't even know how to use the ```\fE``` thing (where and how to place it), sorry. 😅 I need to study programming...
@Hrxn @Hrxn any ideas on how to write japanese characters in the metadata? In my attempts they are always being replaced by "?".
Thanks. This will be a good solution once ```_path``` in the metadata is added. But for now, a (better?) solution I found on the Exiftool forum was this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57131654/using-utf-8-encoding-chcp-65001-in-command-prompt-windows-powershell-window/57134096#57134096 By...
> To modify the representation of values of the keys (which you can list with `-K` flag) it uses the follow rules: > https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/formatting.md @AlttiRi Oh, thank you very much,...
How could I replace a "/" (forward slash) character? I need to replace "".
> Assuming it works like most other search and replace features, you just need to add a escape character. so you'd just write `\/` I tried.
Oh, sorry, I need to replace `````` that comes in Pixiv captions.
> Can't promise I fixed it, but I tried, 0135am no less. Still not working, I got same error :( I already upgraded gallery-dl to the latest version (1.18.1).