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Stale-while-revalidate data fetching for Vue

Results 42 swrv issues
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We've been using the localStorage adaptor extensively for some time and it's got some rough edges, which this pull request should address. This is our patched version, we've been using...

# Upgrade for Vue 2.7 Instead of making updates to the `master` branch, I back-ported the changes from from the `next` branch and updated for `[email protected]`. This strategy allows for...


for our needs the size of local storage is not sufficient, the goal is to load from cache on subsequent visits I know indexeddb is an old solution but I...

help wanted

Due to the direct requirements of `@vue/composition-api`, the package is not compatible with Vue 2. Instead, dependency tree building fails when attempting to install. **How to reproduce** 1. Init an...

Vue 3 has been around for almost 2 years now. The Vue official site has switched to Vue 3 by default some time ago. It's time to merge branch `next`...

Hi there, I've cloned and run the [vite-basic](https://github.com/Kong/swrv/tree/master/examples/vite-basic) example and it works great. I've tried to add some options to the hook: ` const { data, error } = useSWRV(endpoint,...

Is there a way to clear all cached data? Say f.e. when a user signs out I feel more comfortable when all data gets cleared. Any recommendations?

PR for https://github.com/Kong/swrv/issues/208 Comments: 1. Some cases of setting `isLoading` = `false` are not covered by tests. I haven't found any test cases that would cover that for `isValidating` which...

First of all, great lib, thanks If you call the global `mutate` method and right after render a component that uses `useSRWV`, the cache is not revalidated [repro codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/swrv-speed-cache-no-revalidate-fj8nqe?file=/src/views/Route1.vue) ###...

The README states: > Note that fetcher can be any asynchronous function, so you can use your favorite data-fetching library to handle that part. If ommitted, swrv uses the Fetch...

help wanted