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Conflicting ports on pongo up --expose
Hi there!
Trying to run pongo up --expose
and it seems that since port 7000 is already in use, it fails. I believe this port is already in use on macOS.
Is there a supported method of getting around this so I can still expose the ports? Perhaps a flag or something to configure them? I took a look at the source but didn't spot anything.
port 7000 is a default port used by Cassandra. At some point Apple started using it for Apple airplay. Here's some info to get around it: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django/issues/3499#issue-1089496796
We cannot make breaking changes now. In a couple of months we might. Escpecially since Cassandra support is being deprecated in Kong 3 we should be able to make some changes then.
To adjust Pongo; you could disable this line: https://github.com/Kong/kong-pongo/blob/d10eb09f8d0de6856fb022555cd2dd9b56695f23/assets/docker-compose.yml#L23 (if you're not using Cassandra)
@iwaffles did that solve your issue?
It did, thanks @Tieske!