kong-js-pdk copied to clipboard
Question: How to wrote Unit tests using plugin_test.js
from the docs
kong-js-pdk provides a mock framework to test plugin code correctness through jest.
there are examples in the repo - https://github.com/Kong/kong-js-pdk/blob/master/tests/js-hello.test.js
however when I try to setup something simple myself I seem to fall over at the first hurdle
Kong = require('kong-pdk');
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/....../node_modules/kong-pdk/app.js'. Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry
and I think this is actually a valid error because the current package.json shows app.js
as the main entry point https://github.com/Kong/kong-js-pdk/blob/master/package.json#L5 and there are no app.js files in the repo.
Before I make a pull request to try and clean things up a little I just wanted to check im not missing something basic.