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Helm chart for Kong

Kong Helm Charts

This is the official Helm Charts repository for installing Kong on Kubernetes.


Add the repo on your machine:

helm repo add kong
helm repo update

There are two available charts.

kong/ingress provides an opinionated ingress controller-managed DB-less environment. It is the recommended chart for new installations. To use it:

helm install kong/ingress --generate-name

kong/ingress is an umbrella chart using two instances of the kong/kong chart with some pre-configured values.yaml settings. The controller and gateway subsections support additional settings available in the kong/kong values.yaml.

kong/kong is a flexible building block for supporting a wide variety of environment configurations not supported by kong/ingress, such as hybrid mode or unmanaged (no controller) Kong instances. To use it:

helm install kong/kong --generate-name

For more details about the configuration required to support various environments, see the "Deployment Options" subsection of the kong/kong documentation's table of contents.


The documentation for Kong's Helm Charts is available on GitHub:

Seeking help

If you run into an issue, bug or have a question, please reach out to the Kong community via Kong Nation or open Github issues in this repository.

Releasing and forking

This repo uses chart releaser to automatically update a GitHub pages branch containing a Helm repo. When you bump the version field in Chart.yaml in one of the charts under charts/ and merge to main, GitHub Actions will trigger a release job to generate a GitHub release and add the new release to the Helm repo:

  1. Make a new branch and add a release commit. This commit updates the Chart.yaml chart version, finalizes that version's changelog, and optionally adds upgrade instructions.
  2. Open a PR to main and merge once approved.
  3. Wait for CI to release the new version. Investigate errors if the release job fails.

Chart kong/ingress uses kong/kong as a dependency, so when changes released in kong/kong are beneficial for users of kong/ingress bump its version cd charts/ingress && helm dependency update and prepare a new release of kong/ingress as described above.

Forks of this repo can use this release functionality without (much) additional configuration. Enabling GitHub pages for the gh-pages branch will make a Helm repo with your fork's changes available on your GitHub Pages URL. You can then use this with:

helm repo add kong-fork