HARchiver icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
HARchiver copied to clipboard

[Deprecated] Universal Lightweight Proxy for Galileo

HARchiver has being Deprecated.

for more information on how to collect traffic with Mashape Galileo, please visit getgalileo.com/docs


HARchiver is a proxy made to be portable, fast and transparent, it takes incoming HTTP/HTTPS calls and routes them to their final destination, collecting stats in the background without slowing down the request itself.

Cloud Usage

We offer a free, public HARchiver cloud proxy available at proxy.analytics.mashape.com, operating on port 80 for HTTP, and port 443 for HTTPS.

Make sure to send the Mashape-Service-Token header to indicate where to route your logs.


  • By default, requests are proxied on the same protocol they were received. To override that, send the header Mashape-Upstream-Protocol with the values HTTP or HTTPS. That makes it possible to query HTTPS-only APIs without enabling HTTPS mode in HARchiver.

  • There's also the Mashape-Host-Override header for use when the Host header cannot be set, such as in browser XmlHttpRequest (AJAX).

On-premises Installation

Linux (For OSX and Windows use Docker)

Grab the latest release, then follow the instructions below:

wget https://github.com/Mashape/harchiver/releases/download/[VERSION]/harchiver.tar.gz
tar xzvf harchiver.tar.gz
cd release


HTTP only

The only thing needed is to create a container with the correct port forwarding and command-line options from the image.

# Download the image
docker pull mashape/harchiver

# Then make a container from it
docker run -p 15000:15000 --name="harchiver_http" mashape/harchiver
# or with some options:
docker run -p 15000:15000 --name="harchiver_http" mashape/harchiver /release/harchiver 15000 SERVICE_TOKEN

There's now a container named harchiver_http that can be started easily with docker start harchiver_http. That container can be removed and recreated from the mashape/harchiver image easily to change the command-line options.


The certificate and key must be copied into a new image based on the mashape/harchiver image.

On boot2docker, don't forget to run $(boot2docker shellinit).

# Download the image
docker pull mashape/harchiver

# Then make a basic container
docker run -p 15000:15000 --name="harchiver_http" mashape/harchiver

# Let it run and switch to a new terminal window
# Remember that the certificate and key MUST be named cert.pem and key.pem
# Copy the certificate and the key into the container
docker exec -i harchiver_http bash -c 'cat > /key.pem' < key.pem
docker exec -i harchiver_http bash -c 'cat > /cert.pem' < cert.pem

# Stop the container
docker kill harchiver_http

# Save it as a new image
docker commit -m "Added https support" harchiver_http harchiver_image_https

# Create a container from it
docker run -p 15000:15000 -p 15001:15001 --name="harchiver_https" harchiver_image_https /release/harchiver 15000 -https 15001 SERVICE_TOKEN

From Source

Instructions in this file


For API Consumers (proxy)

You can use HARchiver as a proxy layer between your application and any local or remote API server.

                          │ Private API │                 
                           ┌─────┘     ┌─────────────────┐
                           │        ┌─▶│ API Provider #1 │
 ┌─────────────┐    ┌─────────────┐ │  └─────────────────┘
 │ Application │───▶│  HARchiver  │─┤  ┌─────────────────┐
 └─────────────┘    └─────────────┘ └─▶│ API Provider #2 │

Start HARchiver on port 15000 with your Mashape Analytics Service Token:

./harchiver 15000 SERVICE_TOKEN

Now you can send requests through the HARchiver using the Host header, here's an example of making a GET request to http://mockbin.org/request through the HARchiver proxy:

curl -H "Host: mockbin.org" -H "Mashape-Upstream-Protocol: HTTP"

That's it, your data is now available on Mashape Analytics!

For API Creators (reverse proxy)

To capture all incoming traffic to your API, start HARchiver on port 15000 in reverse-proxy mode with your Mashape Analytics Service Token:

 ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐     ┌─────────────┐
 │The Internet │────▶│  HARchiver  │────▶│  Your API   │
 └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘     └─────────────┘
./harchiver 15000 -reverse SERVICE_TOKEN

In this example, is the location of your API. All incoming requests will be directed there.

HARchiver can do SSL termination itself (-https option), but if you're already using nginx to do so, you should simply make nginx proxy to HARchiver which proxies to your application. See the network diagram below

                                       ┌─────────────┐       ┌───────────┐
                                    ┌─▶│  HARchiver  │──────▶│  API #1   │
                    ┌─────────────┐ │  └─────────────┘       └───────────┘
 ┌─────────────┐    │    nginx    │ │  ┌─────────────┐       ┌───────────┐
 │The Internet │───▶│   HAproxy   │─┼─▶│  HARchiver  │──────▶│  API #2   │
 └─────────────┘    │     SSL     │ │  └─────────────┘       └───────────┘
                    └─────────────┘ │  ┌─────────────┐       ┌───────────┐
                                    └─▶│  HARchiver  │──────▶│  API #3   │
                                       └─────────────┘       └───────────┘

The SSL termination (aka decryption) can be either done in nginx/HAproxy or HARchiver.


  • HARchiver uses only 20Mb of RAM and should be located on the same machine as your API Servers to reduce latency and simplify configuration.

  • if running multiple services per ip, You can inspect the Host header in your code to determine what service the client requested, if necessary, or if you wish to limit HARchiver to a specific service / host, use the host name instead of an IP in the previous step.


That's it, your data is now available on Mashape Analytics!


  • Without SERVICE_TOKEN the HTTP header Mashape-Service-Token must be set on every request.

Optional Flags

Flag Description Default
-c NB maximum number of concurrent requests. 500
-debug output the generated data on-the-fly -
-https PORT add HTTPS support. The files key.cert & cert.pem need to be in the same directory as HARchiver -
-replays enable replays by sending the body of the requests in the ALF -
-reverse target start in reverse-proxy mode -
-t TIMEOUT set remote server response timeout in seconds. 6
-version displays the version number
-help displays usage instructions

Copyright and license

Copyright Mashape Inc, 2015.

Licensed under the MIT License