Kagami icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Kagami copied to clipboard

A demo bot that can lead you to create your own bot with Konata.Core quickly.


C# License

A demo bot that can lead you to create your
own bot with Konata.Core quickly.


Command Description
/status Print the status such as build, version, memory usage..etc
/dbg <code> Enable the debug output of your REPL expression
any user-defined command start with '/' /


Trigger Example Description
Github https://github.com/KonataDev/Kagami Parse the GitHub repo image.

REPL Feature

Kagami offers a modern C# (Currently C# 11) interactive terminal,
type any valid C# expressions in the group then run the code.


Benefited from the REPL feature, Kagami supports user-defined commands.
You can define your command like the example below:

// define a command named 'example'
// it has 3 argument inputs a, b and c.
var example = string (int a, bool b, string c)
    => $"a is {a}, b is {b}, c is \"{c}\"";

After defined the command, you can send '/example 1 false Hello' in your group,
then Kagami will prints a "a is 1, b is False, c is Hello" string.

Script Presets

The script presets are stored in 'scripts' directory,
write down your code and save with '.cs' suffix name here and restart Kagami to take effect.

The normal output while Kagami starting:

[ *** ] REPL compiling script => scripts/ic.cs
[ *** ] REPL compiling script => scripts/help.cs
[ *** ] REPL compiling script => scripts/echo.cs
[ *** ] REPL compiling script => scripts/ping.cs
[ *** ] REPL compiling script => scripts/mute.cs
[ *** ] REPL scripts load finished.

See more examples in ScriptExample.

Sandbox Environment

Sandbox environment are defined in ReplEnvironment.cs,
Contains fields, classes and methods as the script runtime context.

Name Description
Bot The Kagami bot instance, full access in REPL
CurrentGroup Current group uin
CurrentMember Current member uin
JSON The dynamic JSON parser, use JSON.Parse()
Print Print a string
CanIDo Bot do something with a probability
Wget Http request
Random Shared random

Known Issues

  • [x] Sometimes offline.
  • [x] Sometimes stuck on some internal tasks.
  • [x] Stuck while the bot exit.
  • [x] Bot can trigger the command which sends by itself. (LMFAO)


Licensed in GNU GPLv3 with ❤.