I had quite a similar problem with a query like this one: `SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "table"."bool_field"` It seems like the problem is that `djongo` can't handle the "boolean...
I just noticed that this is a duplicate of #7372, which was closed due to inactivity.
I did some research on this. Since `sqlparse==0.3.1`, `LIKE`, `iLIKE`, `NOT LIKE`, and `NOT ILIKE` are parsed as comparison operators and not as simple keywords anymore, see https://github.com/andialbrecht/sqlparse/pull/525. This means,...
I guess [!547](https://github.com/doableware/djongo/pull/647) might solve this issue
There might be better ways, but this is how i write custom data migrations where i need to use pymongo methods: ```python def _custom_migration(apps, schema_editor): MyModel = apps.get_model("myproject", "MyModel") MyModel.objects.mongo_update_many({},...
The `default-value` prop is not reactive and is only used during creation. One hacky way would be to force the recreation of the component by using Vues `key` attribute. ```...