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Get full-text content for any RSS-feed.

CircleCI License Docker Pulls Greenkeeper badge

RSS Fulltext Proxy 📃

Can "proxy"/mirror any RSS Feed to fetch full-text Content. Allows integration into any feed reader, without plugins or further configuration required.


Using Docker (recommended)

  1. Download and modify the docker-compose.yml file to your liking.
  2. Run docker-compose up -d


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change working path: cd rss-fulltext-proxy
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Compile: npm run build
  5. Run: node dist/server.js

Note: You have to set the environment variables described in Configuration yourself, and you have to start a local redis server.


The application is easily configurable with environment variables.

Name Type Default Description
PORT number 3000 The port the webserver listens on.
REDIS_URL string redis:// The redis connection URL for caching.
CACHE_EXPIRY_SECONDS number 900 The number of seconds for cache entries to expire.


We have to define two query parameters:

Identifier Description
feed The original feed URL to proxy.
selectors URL-encoded string[] of CSS-selectors.


  • Feed URL:
  • Query Selectors of relevant HTML elements: ["figure.asset-image", "section.body > p, section.body > h3"]
  • URL-encoded selectors using this website: %5B%22figure.asset-image%22%2C%20%22section.body%20%3E%20p%2C%20section.body%20%3E%20h3%22%5D
  • The URL we are adding to our feed reader is: http://host:post/?feed=
  • We are getting full-text RSS content for this feed. 🔥

A collection of selectors can be found on the wiki page. If you create or improve a selector, feel free to open a pull request to add it to the wiki page.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


  • Make redis optional.
  • Add common templates for easier usage.
  • Unit tests.
  • Linting.
  • Add option to clear cache.
  • Tutorial on how to choose selectors.
  • Webinterface to visually select elements that should be included/removed.
  • Support websites which don't provide a RSS feed.
