
Results 26 comments of Koihik

> Example: > > ```lua > r = r..(b % 2^i - b % 2^(i - 1) -- this is what we have now > --> > r = r...

> I don't need this to be a preference. > > All I need now is to find a place in code where I can modify them myself, please. Maybe...

It seems works well. Do you want the output that chop down each table regardless of the column limit?

The meaning of config `chop_down_kv_table` should be "force chop down those table with key-value pairs". But it doesn't work now. It seems can resolve your problem after fix it.

> Chopping down all kv tables would also chop down vector tables such as `{x=3, y=7, z=11}` which is silly and ugly. This also applies to indexed tables as well...

> An alternative which has been suggested to me is a behavior some other (non Lua) formatters have, chopping down tables based on whether or not they have an extra...

When there was no `column_limit`, formatter use some strange conditions to judge whether a table need to break. Such as `contains key-value pairs and length greater than 1 or length...

We do not provide binary in release page after support common editors(VSC/Sublime/vim). But you can still find those binary in [editor plugin](https://github.com/Koihik/vscode-lua-format/tree/master/bin).

We don't know whether `comment 2` is describing `elseif case` or `return 0`.

For example, indentation looks good in this case: ```lua if case1 then -- begin process case1 process1(data) -- end process case1 elseif case2 then -- begin process case1 process2(data) --...