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AGM_Weaponselect - Grenade related issue
Whenever I select smoke, IR strobes or glowsticks, it throws a grenade instead.
This has happend at very inconvenient moments and is a recurring issue for me.
I make sure it says smoke before throwing aswell, then suddenly it lobs out a frag
Situation: You're throwing out a smoke grenade to cover downed people.
Plot-twist: You thought you threw a smoke, it became a frag grenade.
Consequence: You killed teammates.
Never had that happen to me. Are you sure you have the latest version (v0.952) ? I know that it didn't work reliably in v0.951.
Arma sucks in the way it handles grenades. The current implementation is the best I can do with what I'm given.
That webm was from yesterday, with the latest version yes.
I reproduced on the server just now, first thing I did was press 7, then G, grenade comes out instead of smoke.
vanilla ctrl + G doesn't have this problem
It seems to happen at random.
Yer we are having issues with not being able to throw grenades. I can select/cycle them with 6/7 but pressing G shows a "no grenade selected" message
Can any of you confirm this happens with AGM+CBA only as well? I haven't heard anything like this in my community and I can't reproduce it either.