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IKEA E2001/E2002 Interview failed
What happened?
Have a new Styrbar remote control to add to my Z2m network. Attempting to add via the Z2m dashboard in Home Assistant I get the error: Interview failed because can not get active endpoints.
Have attempted to restart Home Assistant as well as Z2m. Everything else is up to date.
What did you expect to happen?
The switch would be recognised by Z2m
How to reproduce it (minimal and precise)
No response
Zigbee2MQTT version
Adapter firmware version
Sonoff Dongle P
Add-on on HAOS on a NUC
Debug log
got the same issue here. new styrbar E2001/E2002 (yesterday bought), sonoff dongle. tried 3 times pairing with removing and repair with z2m 1.37.0, finally successfull pairing, but no response in home assistant when pressing a button. upgraded z2m to 1.37.1 and ha to 2024.5.4, waited some hours, now it works.
firmware from stybar is 2.4.5, date 20221028, no ota updates available. going to try the documented "hack" for updating here https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18515#issuecomment-1692857032 the next days.
I have the same issue
Edit: Removed batteries while it was listed in z2m (but in error state due to failed interview). After inserting the batteries again the interview is successful.
Just to add, having the same issue (I think),
Have been using an Ikea E2001 for a few months with 0 issues. Have updated to the latest firmware, but ever since, the E2001 device has stopped working at all, and disconnects regularly. Unsure if broken, an issue with Z2M, or with Home Assistant?
I've read a few posts elsewhere that suggest force removing, restarting Z2M, re-adding - didn't work I've also read on the Z2M page for the E2001 that 'Note that the remote loses the capability to bind to a group in the latest firmware.' - so is binding the issue? Can this be reversed/fixed?
I've tried a couple of different HA Blueprints too, neither currently work.
Unsure if it's me/the latest firmware from Ikea/Z2M itself, so apologies if issue is off-topic
When you remove and re-add the batteries (soft reset) it works in my case for while until it stops again.
Same here.
Coordinator SLZB-06 / FW v2.2.2.dev / ZIGBEE FW 20240315 STYRBAR @ FW 20240408 / 2.4.11
No battery reporting, no button press reporting..
EDIT: I've initially powered it though 2x AAA rechargeable batteries (fully charged), swapped one of them for a non-rechargable battery, restarted Z2M and it worked without any problem, could you try that? @steppel @Jazmodo @jbleyaert @getharder @flyingwild
I have 5 buttons. only one worked after the update. 4 did not. I got them all working this way https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18515#issuecomment-2127507461
When you remove and re-add the batteries (soft reset) it works in my case for while until it stops again.
Exactly same problem, woks when i remove and put the battery again, but just for some hours.
I already tried the remove and bind again as explained on the other posts and all of this problem started after the update to the 2.4.11, would be nice to be able to downgrade
I have 5 buttons. only one worked after the update. 4 did not. I got them all working this way #18515 (comment)
This may have been the solution for me,
I ran through your steps yesterday, no change it had seemed. A day later though, and I've just tested, all 4 buttons working again as expected. So working again for me - E2001 4-button remote. Cheers!
I have 5 buttons. only one worked after the update. 4 did not. I got them all working this way #18515 (comment)
This helped a bit with the problem, now i can use for a day until stops to work... I really dont understand this problem
Similar problem here. Tried multiple suggestions already and they all work till after a day and then no response anymore in the buttons.
Except the on button reports brightness_up. Even on a single click.
Am finding that the remotes are losing their connection in some way. Removal/reinstatement of the battery seems to fix the issue for a period of time, but then they stop working correctly.
Same here, every x days the remote stops working, With a quick re-pair or change of batteries (that were not even empty) all is fine again, until the connection is lost a few days later
I know this is for a different product, but I have just had this exact issue with two of my Phillips Hue 9290012607
Both fell off the network and could not be repaired despite repeated attempts until removing and reinserting the batteries. As soon as that was done, pairing and interviewing completed within a few seconds. The error was the same as in this issue.
Is this a current Z2M issue?
Same issue, updated the switch, took around 2h to complete. Then it has been left usable. I tried removing it with force and now it will not finish the interview process.
- After a combination of the link @devWaves and doing the same of batteries during the interview process it started working again. Lets see for how long.