Koen [XII]

Results 105 comments of Koen [XII]

@wojtkowiak do you think this issue falls within the scope of this project? Meteor already supports local collections: https://guide.meteor.com/collections.html#local-collections Also there is the GroundDB package: https://github.com/GroundMeteor/db

Nice find, this is definitely an issue that should be resolved. We could modify the bundle, but that feels weird... Running with production, even though it's terribly slow, seems like...

@wojtkowiak should close this issue?

Electron 12.0 is not supported yet, 11.0 works fine though.

`` "electron": "11.3.0", "electron-builder": "^22.10.5", "electron-packager": "^15.2.0", "electron-rebuild": "^2.3.5", ``

I think this error may be unrelated to Electron, seems to be related to: https://deno.land/ I've never seen it before and just verified these versions are running fine for me.

@a4xrbj1 to fix "Desktop is not defined", I think you should set: "webPreferences": { "enableRemoteModule": true } In your settings.json (of meteor-desktop) https://www.electronjs.org/docs/breaking-changes#default-changed-enableremotemodule-defaults-to-false

I believe Reload._onMigrate should allow to configure this behavior in Meteor Desktop as well. We recently started using the reload on resume package, which defers restarting after a HCP until...

We are experiencing the same thing. @wojtkowiak any pointers to experiment with ways to improve the performance?

@wojtkowiak I think this is easily explained by the fact that Electron 1.7.9 uses Chrome 58/59 (with the old Crankshaft) as compared to 2.0 which uses Chrome 61 (and 66...