Kodi Arfer

Results 48 issues of Kodi Arfer

Consider a file like this one: https://en.www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/programas/ccpv/2010/microdatos/iter/ageb_manzana/01_aguascalientes_2010_ageb_manzana_urbana_xls.zip It's a ZIP with a single member, which is an Excel file. `read_xls` only seems to accept a path to a file on...

``` $ wget 'https://en.www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/programas/ccpv/2010/microdatos/iter/ageb_manzana/14_jalisco_2010_ageb_manzana_urbana_xls.zip' … $ unzip 14_jalisco_2010_ageb_manzana_urbana_xls.zip Archive: 14_jalisco_2010_ageb_manzana_urbana_xls.zip inflating: RESAGEBURB_14XLS10.xls $ xls2csv ~/scr/RESAGEBURB_14XLS10.xls FILE: RESAGEBURB_14XLS10.xls Error reading XLS file: Unable to allocate memory ``` I'm running this on...

Here's my attempt at a simple example in the style of `vig1_population`: ```R crs.lonlat = 4326 # https://epsg.io/4326 pop.density = raster::raster("pop-density-2015.tiff") # From https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/downloads/data/gpw-v4/gpw-v4-population-density-rev11/gpw-v4-population-density-rev11_2015_30_sec_tif.zip polygons = sf::read_sf("/vsizip/us.zip") # From https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2019/shp/cb_2019_us_state_500k.zip...

usage question

I'm not familiar with the statistical approach taken by mlrMBO, so excuse me if I'm missing something. Anyway, I was going to ask a question about overfitting in autoxgboost, but...

When I open a new message, type the letter "a" in the body, and repeatedly invoke the external editor (Emacs) and send the message back to Thunderbird, a newline is...

I use this package a lot. Sometimes I want the automatic progress bar for an operation I'm doing solely for the side-effects, so the accumulation of results probably wastes memory...

I download Wells Fargo transactions with the command `ofxclient -a [...] -d - -c ~/.config/ofxclient.ini`. This has worked fine for a while, but today, I got `TypeError: get() got an...

``` >>> from funcparserlib.parser import a, many >>> many(a("x")).parse("xxxxxxx") ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'] >>> many(a("x")).parse(x for x in "xxxxxxx") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line...

Having ads in the manual is extraordinarily tacky. We should probably just host the web versions of Hy and Hyrule's manuals on Arfer.net, where I also host [the new Hylang.org](http://hylang.org)....

doc me bro

There are cases not fixed by #2423 in which position information is still set incorrectly: ``` $ echo ';;;;;;\n(do-mac (quote (raise (ValueError))))' >ex.hy $ hy ex.hy Traceback (most recent call...
