Kodi Arfer
Kodi Arfer
My guess from Matthew's original example here and from [this Stack Overflow question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70764560/ran-into-a-rparen-where-it-wasnt-expected-when-using) is that the remaining need for `apply` arises from `argmove` macros like `->`. So I'm going to...
> although this could also be treated as a bug in pygments' `HyLexer` It is. As I understand, pygments has a longstanding bug regarding non-ASCII characters. I've never looked into...
> `.. code-block:: hy` is [wrong](https://pygments.org/languages/), as that abbreviation was unfortunately stolen by Hybris. I think we should be able to make a decent case to the pygments people to...
I forgot this issue existed, but all the specific problems listed here were addressed by some cleanup that I did a while ago. It's still fair to say that "The...
My impression is that a good-enough version of this could be implemented in a macro or context manager, without changes to Hy core.
You're making the bindings and then throwing them away. The intended use is like this: ```hy (with [_ (a 5) _ (b 6)] (print (add-a-and-b))) ; => 11 ```
Yeah, adding some syntactic sugar for these things to hy.contrib seems fair enough, but making `[1 2 3]` create something other than a plain `list` by default is asking for...
Although, `PVector` and `PSet` seem equivalent to Python's built-in `tuple` and `frozenset`, respectively.
> But I'm not sure that `#+MyVar` or `#-MyFrozenVector` are even legal They aren't, or rather, they'll try to call the wrong reader macros. You need a space to terminate...
Please don't use the issues list as a stream-of-consciousness. Think through what you want to say, experimenting as necessary, and then say it. (I wrote this comment in reply to...