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Results 10 KodeStudio issues
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Is it possible to add a launch option to Kode Studio that simply runs the program in a browser, instead of an electron window?

kha.khaPath is not resolved correctly when you use it in the workspace settings file (PROJECT/.vscode/settings) AND when you try to do a launch build (F5). Works ok in the user...

Error: with error: fatal error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht ge�ffnet werden: "Test.h": No such file or directory - VSCode Version: 17.9.1 - OS Version: Windows 10 pro Steps to...

this is on macOS, using the latest kode studio 17.9.1. but on more than 1 account, when say bringing in new assets, such as images, sounds etc of an existing...

When using Ctrl-B to compile, add a debug option to build a debug build. Plizz.

- VSCode Version: 16.11.1 - OS Version: Antergos and Windows 10 Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open Kode Studio 2. Compile a kha project containing an error (execute __functionThatDoesNotExist()__) Same error...

I am using Mac, trying to do this tutorial: [kha tutorial series - episode 004 - loading an image](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nbZA6ITEjc&list=PL4neAtv21WOmmR5mKb7TQvEQHpMh1h0po&index=5) and got warnings about 'unused import' Assets.hx /usr/local/lib/haxelib/kha/git/Sources/kha 2 import haxe.io.Bytes;...

The size from System.windowWidth()/windowHeight() is different from what is passed in System.init() when you call the functions in the Project.hx constructor. Its showing a fixed size of 300x150. But if...

there is an existing vscode plugin/extension which integrates a hxcpp debug mechanism into vscode (see https://github.com/jcward/vscode-hxcpp-debug). It would be nice to integrate this into kodestudio so that the debug can...