jsdoc-vuejs copied to clipboard
Vue document is output twice
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true,
"dictionaries": ["jsdoc", "closure"]
"source": {
"include": ["./"],
"includePattern": "\\.(js|vue)$",
"exclude": ["./dist", "./config", "./coverage", "./js", "./temp", "./test", "./docs"],
"excludePattern": "/node_modules/"
"plugins": ["node_modules/jsdoc/plugins/markdown", "node_modules/jsdoc-vuejs", "node_modules/jsdoc/plugins/summarize"],
"markdown": {
"tags": ["author", "classdesc", "description", "param", "property", "returns", "see", "throws"],
"parser": "gfm",
"hardwrap": true
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"template": "node_modules/minami",
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and in my component
* @name QSButton
* @vue-data {Boolean} loading - It's about button is loading or not.
* @vue-computed {Object} icon - About the icon that will go inside button
export default {
extends: BaseCtrl,
data () {
return {
loading: false
When I ran the script in this state, the document was created, but the vue related contents were output twice, and markups also break.
Has anyone experienced the same situation as me?
I had the same error with another plugin I was using. The error for me is/was in the config. Trying modifying yours to read as:
"include": [],
like @Elaniobro mentioned, it seems like if your pathing overlaps it will duplicate it. make sure the paths stay separate