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Looking for a maintainer
Hello, everyone using this package :)
I don't have time to maintain this package and give it the proper care it needs. I stepped up a few years ago when we used it at work and needed new PHP version support. Yet haven't used it since.
I have another OS project I want to focus on, but I don't want to let this package be neglected.
Saying that I'll be stepping down as maintainer and giving space someone to take over, who is actively using this package and has the will to grow it :hugs:
Although I'm not a good candidate for being the maintainer, I'm happy to be one of the maintainers, at least so that the tests run on my branch when I push.
I've made a few very minor changes and submitted them as PRs:
Hi everyone, I can try to take over this package if necessary. I'm familiar with OSS and I've already submitted some patches to the package in the past.
On the other hand, I only use the Translatable/SoftDeletable/Sluggable features.
Hey, great to see willing folks here!
You need to reach out the knplabs, as I'm only collaborator here. That's how I got the position in the first place :) they might be slow to response, as their focus is out of PHP for years, so keep patience.
@TomasVotruba Good to see there is candidates to take care of this package. Would it be possible in the meantime to provide your inputs for the PR so that I can finalize the fix of automatic checks / tests (Github Actions).
And if possible it would be nice also to accept the PR:
- (to fix deprecation raised on PHP 8.2)
- (to fix part of deprecation raised on SF6.3)
@raziel057 With Symfony 7 just days away, are you still interested in being a maintainer? I'm happy to help as a collaborator.
@TomasVotruba thanks for the work you did to revive this bundle. I quite enjoyed the blog post about it, and even came back to this bundle for certain behaviors that weren't working for me in gedmo, in particular the translatable behavior.
I'm a bit nervous, though, because there are several outstanding PRs, and Symfony 7 is just days away. The problem appears to be supporting things like Symfony 6.0 and 6.1, both unsupported by Symfony.
I was hoping you could provide some guidance. Maybe release the current version as 2.4, then treat the main branch as 3.0-dev and drop the unsupported Symfony versions? I can fork this and probably get it working, but it'd be better if this were orchestrated properly. You spent a lot of time improving it, what are your thoughts for how to best keep it going?
Any chance of getting this issue pinned? Seems more important than any other issue since it directly impacts any chance of current and future pull requests being merged.
You should probably contact KNPLabs if you want to become a maintainer, getting this issue pinned would help indeed.
Pinging some KNP members that I've seen that have worked recently with PHP: @PedroTroller @alexpozzi @alexandrechevalierCBH to see if they can help.
FWIW, if somebody does manage to take over the project, update and maintain it, I'd be willing to donate some $$ for the maintainer's time. It's a useful package.
@alexpozzi just out of curiosity, do you know if KNPLabs is actively looking for new maintainers (or open to adding them)? Or is there perhaps a stronger preference to seeing this repository forked, thereby no longer having the burden of maintenance nor responsibility associated with the ownership?
Hello @alcohol, We are looking and we are open to add new maintainers for this repository. I missed this thread so I didn't see @Kocal application. If @Kocal or any other contributor would like to take over the maintenance of the project please send the candidature rather here rather opening a PR to add you as a maintainer.
Even if you don't feel like taking over the maintenance of the project, feel free to ping me on your PRs, I'll try to be available as soon as I can for reviews.
Just to clarify, in order to be added as a maintainer, a user should submit a PR in which he modifies the README and adds his name to a list of maintainers (or creates this list if it does not exist yet)?
Because I also saw for example which somewhat contradicts the previous statement(s).
Yes, sorry, that message, wasn't clear. It is related mainly to two packages which are Gaufrette and Snappy.
@TomasVotruba @alexpozzi are you still looking for new contributors? I would like to help to get this library back on track!
I would be happy to help as a contributor.
I have this PR going on for some time now
I will contact knplabs to see if they would want me to be a contributor.
Hello @acrobat and @DennisdeBest, I just saw your messages, let me see this through and I will come back to you as soon as I can :wink:
Hello @acrobat, I've granted you the access to maintain this repository, feel free to open a PR to add yourself as official maintainer of the repository.
Hello @DennisdeBest, since you just started contributing to our organization we've decided that, for the moment, we won't grant you access to maintain this repository. I encourage you to continue contributing so that we will be able to reconsider your request.
@acrobat @DennisdeBest even though I'm not comfortable with this repository as I'm not using it and I never maintained it I'm available for code reviews. Don't hesitate to ping me in case you need me :wink:
Thanks to both of you and have a nice day!
Thanks @alexpozzi! I will take some time in the next few days to get an idea of the current state of this library and then focus on the necessary changes!
Is there any news on the state of this project?
the jfsenechal/DoctrineBehaviors fork works with Symfony 7, but is locked to doctrine/orm:^3, which means you can't use it with many packages, including stof's gedmo package (doctrine extensions, v. these doctrine behaviors). This is particularly painful, because I used gedmo for tree and a few other things, but there are issues with the gedmo translations (they don't work as expected with fetch). There's a PR open: for that.
jfsenechal/DoctrineBehaviors now works with orm:^2, has been merged.