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Document injecting a dictionary into a service via autowiring
You will be able to retreive it through the dictionaries collection service:
$dictionaries = $container->get(\Knp\DictionaryBundle\Dictionary\Collection::class);
$dictionary = $dictionaries['my_dictionary'];
Is there a way to inject a dictionary into a service, like Workflows? That is, if I want to inject a specific workflow into a service
public function __construct(private Symfony\Component\Workflow\WorkflowInterface $projectStateMachine)
what I'm currently doing is injecting the whole collection and extracting the one I want
private Dictionary $voteDictionary;
public function __construct(
private Dictionary\Collection $dictionaryCollection,
$this->voteDictionary = $this->dictionaryCollection['vote'];
What I'd like to do is
public function __construct(private DictionaryInterface $voteDictionary)
That is, bin/console debug:container dictionary would also show how to inject a specific dictionary. I don't think this is possible now, but if someone can point me in the right direction as to how to do this, maybe I can add it. Thanks.
You can if you create your own dictionary and implement the Dictionary interface but no, there is no injection based on dictionary name... But it's a good idea, we have to migrate to Symfony 6. I will try to do it in a same time.
Documentation for auto-wiring by name is here:
I might be able to implement this, though I'm sure someone else can much faster. In particular, since this is a bundle and not an app, there's a different setup with the CompilerPass. I'm sure I can find another bundle that implements it, though (like Workflow).
Or @PedroTroller, do you think you can implement it? Although it's low priority, I think it makes for a better DX.
Looking into it a little more, it seem that we'd need to inject the Collection into the configuration and loop through each dictionary and bind it.
@PedroTroller Any chance you could look at this? Or point me toward an example of something similar?
Sorry, it's on my todolist but at the moment I've only had time for a quick look, I've found how it works in several other bundles and it doesn't seem complicated. If you want to try it by yourself, here is this kind of mechanics in the MonologBundle for example.
It'd be nice if this got in before Symfony 6.2 is released later this month. Not urgent, of course, but it'd be so nice to inject just the dictionary the class needs instead of the entire registry.
Every few months I come back to this issue to see if my Symfony skills have improved enough to solve this. Alas, still no, and I'm left with code like:
private Dictionary $entityClassIconsDictionary;
private Dictionary $coreIconsDictionary;
public function __construct(
private DictionaryCollection $dictionaries,
) {
$this->entityClassIconsDictionary = $dictionaries['entity_class_icons'];
$this->coreIconsDictionary = $dictionaries['core_icons'];
instead of
public function __construct(
private Dictionary $coreIconsDictionary,
private Dictionary $entityClassIconsDictionary,
) {
I've looked at Monolog and other bundle (https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem-bundle/blob/3.x/src/DependencyInjection/FlysystemExtension.php) but I still am stuck.
Can you help point me in the right direction? I think in the compiler pass, I need to find the Dictionary classes and make them public (currently, just the Collection class is public). If you could help me get the Dictionary classes from within the compiler pass, I might be able to figure out how to make them public and inject them.
Maybe we could start by making the classes that implement the Dictionary interface public.
bin/console debug:container knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons
// This service is a private alias for the service
// knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons.8f4545fe939e19c735fc617c64dead50.traceable
Information for Service "knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons.8f4545fe939e19c735fc617c64dead50.traceable"
---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Option Value
---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service ID knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons.8f4545fe939e19c735fc617c64dead50.traceable
Class Knp\DictionaryBundle\Dictionary\Traceable
Tags knp_dictionary.dictionary
container.decorator (id: knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons, inner: knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons.8f4545fe939e19c735fc617c64dead50.traceable.inner)
Public no
Synthetic no
Lazy no
Shared yes
Abstract no
Autowired no
Autoconfigured no
Usages knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons
---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! [NOTE] The "knp_dictionary.dictionary.action_icons" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container
! was compiled.
So maybe somewhere in DictionaryRegistrationPass.php?
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container): void
foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds(self::TAG_DICTIONARY) as $id => $tags) {
->addMethodCall('add', [new Reference($id)])
So maybe get the reference by id and set that public? Sorry for a basic Symfony DI Services question, but this stuff is still kinda magic.
In fact, I've just had a look at it and it's a bit complicated at the moment. Logic would dictate that you could retrieve dictionaries by name (for example, a dictionary named postal_code
would be injectable using Dictionary $postalCode
), but that means you need to be able to retrieve the name of the dictionary. But this is currently the result of getName()
, so you can't retrieve it in CompilerPass without creating a problem.